This is intended, as it says above, to be primarily a Warhammer 40k project log.
So, I guess I'll start with the current state of affairs.
Currently I have 3500 points of Space Marines, my own custom Chapter called the Nova Storm. I've just re-designed the list to fit with the 5th Edition Codex and am now churning my way through the painting stage with this army.
I am breaking up the painting with the contruction of 3000 points of Tau, which have been sitting on the back-burner for several years (well, actually since the Tau Empire Codex was released to be honest, that was around 2006). I've finally decided that it's about time I put them together.
I also have about 2300 points of Tyranids intermittantly on the go, which I build and manage for my Wife. They are currently built so they can be used, but have got no further.
My friend recently donated 2 squads of Necron Warriors and a Lord (who needs repairing).
I'm also looking at starting an Imperial Guard Army when I finally get my hands on the new Codex. I already have 9 Leman Russ Battle Tanks from a moment of insane luck at a car-boot sale many years ago (I picked up 9 water-damaged Catachan Battleforce boxes for £25!)
So as you can see I have plenty of work to do. We'll see how it goes...
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