Tuesday 19 May 2009

Nova Storm Units: HQ Choices 1

Starting in reverse order with the HQ choices as it's going to take me less time to write about the Chaplain and I don't have a lot of time tonight.

The second HQ choice for the Nova Storm Chapter is a Space Marine Chaplain.

Weighing in at 115 points and counting as 1 Kill Point, he is armed with the standard Crozius Arcanum Power Weapon, a Power Fist, and both types of grenades.

He packs enough punch using the Power Fist to take on small vehicles and large creatures, but retains the option to make faster (but weaker) attacks against better opponents with the Crozius Arcanum. Plus I really liked this model better than some of the other Chaplain models!

He was originally an attachment to the Captain's Command Squad (thus taking up no slots on the Force Org Chart) under the previous edition Codex, but has now been separated out into his own HQ slot thanks to the 5th Edition Codex, displacing my planned Librarian. Originally he was designed with Artificer Armour, but has now been downgraded to Power Armour only in 5th Edition for a 3+ Armour Save instead of 2+, and equipped with a Rozarius for a 4+ Invulnerable Save against those heavy armour piercing weapons.

As an Independant Character I can choose to deploy him with the Command Squad (whom he is normally joined to), or deploy him with another unit, or on his own. 

His Liturgies of Battle special rule allows the Command Squad (or any other unit he is joined to) to re-roll all failed To Hit rolls in the first round of assault when the unit charges. As the Command Squad is designed to be primarily assault oriented, this comes in quite handy.

The Honour of the Chapter rule turns both him, and any unit he joins into a Fearless unit (handy for holding objectives and not running away, no so good if you loose an assault thanks to the extra wounds inflicted due to the No Retreat! rule.)

Like all Marines he has Combat Tactics; although in his case the fact that he is Fearless means he cannot use the rule so it renders Combat Tactics pointless (except as something to be swapped for some of the Special Character's Chapter Tactics rules), since he and any unit he joins will automatically pass Morale tests and cannot choose to fail them voluntarily due to Combat Tactics. And this also means he won't ever fail a Morale test and fall back which is why he doesn't have And They Shall Know No Fear like all the other Marines.

Basically this guy gets into close assault and stays there until he dies (along with anyone he is with at the time) - running away is not an option!

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