Monday 18 May 2009

Intro to: Nova Storm Marines

The Nova Storm Marine Chapter was originally concieved when the 4th Edition Codex was out. I had used the Traits system to tailor the Chapter to fit the background that I had made up for it - namely a small, under-strength Chapter which had limited access to heavy equipment and vehicles, and that used specialist infiltration tactics more than most.

Sadly, that had to change when GW removed the Traits from the 5th Edition Codex. Now I've had to tweak the background to make them into a more 'vanilla' style Chapter.

I tend to favour the story and fluff-driven approach to the game rather than the more intense tournament style of play and list building as I play the game for fun and enjoy the hobby aspect a lot.

At some point I may post the whole Army List on here but not just yet.

Here is a snap-shot of the Chapter as it was in December 2008:

Since this point I have added another 10 Marine Tactical Squad, a Razorback Transport for the second Devastator Squad, and a Drop Pod for one of the Tactical Squads.

I haven't yet done photos of each individual unit, but maybe I'll do that and post their list entry as part of the same post.

I'll put up the photos that I have of some of the individual units soon.

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