Wednesday 18 August 2010

Tau Units: Elite Choice 1

Here's the first of the two XV8 Crisis Suit teams in my Tau Hunter Cadre at the moment.

Consisting of two Suits; a Team Leader with twin-linked Missile Pods a Plasma Rifle and a Shield Drone (not pictured), and a second suit with a Missile Pod and Plasma Rifle with Shield Generator.

Capable of deploying via Deepstrike, moving 6" in the Movement Phase, shooting all weapons (at different target units), then moving another 6" in the Assault Phase, they are a highly mobile team which I envision using for anti-heavy infantry and light vehicle hunting.

The Plasma Rifles can always Rapid Fire or be fired at full range regardless of whether or not the Suits moved as they both have the Relentless rule thanks to being Jet Pack Jump Infantry. At Strength 6 and AP 2 they are good against such heavy infantry targets as Space Marine Terminators as they negate the normal 2+ Armour Save.

The Missile Pods have a range of up to 36" and are Assault 2 weapons; allowing 2 shots per Shooting Phase with Strength 7 and AP 4, allowing some additional fire-power to be landed on hard targets and giving them some bite against lighter vehicles.

They have a 3+ Armour Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save from the Shield Generator (and Shield Drone), but although they have 2 Wounds each, they will die instantly if they fail a Save against a Strength 8 or higher weapon.

Random Update - What's been going on?

Productivity slowed down a bit lately, mainly due to being on holiday and the opening of a new GW store in my home town, which was a bit of a major suprise really!

I've managed to finish up both Tau Crisis Suit Teams, more Gaunts (I may be saying that for a while...), also about two-thirds finshed on two Assault Terminators.

I've finished off 3 of my good friend J's Necron Immortals by finally gluing in the green rods and gun barrel ends, and have started building a fourth and finally got round to repairing his Necron Lord's Warsycthe which had snapped off at the hand due to an unfortunate gravity/floor/bad angle intersection last year.

All I need to do before he gets here in September is finish an Immortal, paint the repair on the Lord, finish some Assault Terminators (and as many more Marines as I can manage), paint more Tau and Tyranid Gaunts, and flock a full 6x4 foot Relam of Battle Board - in 3 weeks (while working).

No problem...