Welcome, This blog is intended to be my personal Warhammer 40k Project Log. It may occasionally stray off-topic, and may be infrequently updated depending on how quickly I get through projects, but we'll see how it goes.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Random Update - Not much happening
I'm hoping that after Christmas I'll have a nice new Citadel Air-brush to play with. That should allow me to quickly base coat my outstanding Marines, Tau and Tyranids.
I'm also hoping for some other stuff - but we'll see...
I've painted up a six man Tau Fire Warrior Squad using the new (faster) paint scheme which almost matches the one that I used on the half of the army that is already complete. I also did the last Tau Pathfinder in the new scheme, and re-painted all the existing Pathfinder models with the new Orange squad markings.
I re-painted 8 Tau Gun Drones in the new colours and painted up the 3 man Tau Stealth Suit Team in mostly greys and blacks.
I built the 2 Tau Crisis Suit teams a few weeks ago specifically so I could use them in a game that had been arranged - I was pleased with their performance and might actually have won the game but the clock beat us and we had to end on Turn 4.
At some point I'll start putting up photos, but I haven't taken any yet.
In preparation for the new Tyranid codex I painted another test Termagaunt model in Dark Green/Light Green, but have not yet decided on the final scheme. I may reverse it and do Light Green body and Dark Green Armour Plates.... can't decide. I recently went into the GW store at Grimsby and saw their new store Mawlock model which was painted in a similar scheme and it looked good. Whatever I decide, it needs to be quick as there are well over 40 of them to paint!
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Nova Storm Units: Heavy Support Choices 2
Nova Storm Units: Heavy Support Choices 1
They have all the ususal rules for Space Marines; And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, and Combat Tactics - allowing them to choose to fail a Morale check (Combat Tactics) and fall back voluntarily, automatically regroup after falling back regardless of most normal restrictions (ATSKNF), and split into 2 5-man squads (Combat Squads - but not really relevant to this squad as it's only 5-men strong anyway)
They were originally designed to be an Infiltrating squad until the Space Marine codex was re-released and that ability was taken away. The Heavy Bolter (far right, kneeling) was put together using the Heavy Bolter from the Scouts kit to represent a lightweight version used by infiltrators rather than the standard backpack-fed version in the other Devastator squad.
They are painted up as the 8th Squad in the same Company as the Tactical Squads - hence the same Blue shoulder pad trim and cuffs. I have also modelled some extensive battle damage into their armour.
The squad is a multi-function anti-infantry/anti-vehicle squad featuring a Heavy Bolter for 3 pure anti-infantry shots that ignore any armour save of 4+ or less, a Multi-melta for pure anti-vehicle shooting and two Missile Launchers that can switch between anti-infantry Frag missiles, or anti-vehicle Krak missiles.
He should also have a backpack mounted Signum allowing him to forego his own shooting to improve someone else's chance of hitting, but this kit was put together before the release of the plastic Devastator Squad kit that has the correct Signum back-pack in - therefore this will be added at a later date when I get my hands on a spare part.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Nova Storm Units: Elite Choices 1
This Combat Squad consists of the Terminator Sergeant with Storm Bolter and Power Weapon, 3 Terminators with Storm Bolters and Chainfists, and the Terminator with Assault Cannon and Chainfist. Primary use is anti-armour or heavy shock troops, delivered into the enemy battle lines via the Deepstrike rules.
Capable of laying down 8 Strength 4 shots from the Storm Bolters and 4 Strength 6 Rending shots from the Assault Cannon; while moving and the threat of 11 Power Weapon Attacks from the Chainfists and Sergeant's Power Weapon, 8 of which are at Strength 8, and all of which Ignore Armour Saves (16 if they get off the Charge into Assault) make this unit a threat to anything nearby.
The downside is they can't Assault after arriving by Deepstrike; although they can shoot. They can also take a significant amount of fire due the their 2+ Armour Save and 5+ Invulnerable Save (for those occasions that they are hit by an AP1 Melta weapon or some form of heavy ordinance weapon).
Against vehicles their Assault attacks have the same power as a Multimelta, giving them 2D6+8 for Armour Penetration which allows them to Glance AV14 on a 2D6 roll of 6, and Penetrate on 7+. Against AV10 they cause automatic Glancing hits (2+8=10), and will Penetrate of 3+. The Assault Cannon is also good against light vehicles, but only if you get a few lucky 6's to bring the Rending rule into effect.
As Marines they have the standard And They Shall Know No Fear rules, along with Combat Tactics.
Random Unit - Vindicare Assassin
After trying out several colour schemes, I seem to have settled on a similar dark blue scheme to the one being used on my Tau army - not intentional but never mind.
I've never tried him out in an actual game yet, but I might have to check out using him as a ally in my Marine army so I can give him a run out. He could come in handy by being able to snipe the Genestealer Broodlord even though it has a Retinue accompanying it which normally means I have to kill the Retinue before I can land wounds on the Broodlord.
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Random Unit - Aquila Lander Pilot
Nova Storm Units: Troop Choices 2
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Nova Storm Units: Troop Choices 1
Tactical Squad 1: Designed to be dropped from Orbit.
This squad has a Drop Pod for it's transport option, as the Squad is designated as being from a specialist Orbital Assault Company consisting of Drop Pod equipped Tactical and Devastator Squads and deep-striking Assault Squads that I imagined dropping from the back of a high up Thunderhawk Dropship. Units from this Company arrive from orbit, directly on top of the enemy while support from the Ground Assault Companies arrives from a different direction.
The Drop Pod means it will always deploy using the Deep-strike rules on Turn 1 of the game. The squad consists of 10 Marines, with 1 Sergeant, 1 Marine with Plasma Gun for special weapon support and a Marine with a Heavy Bolter for fire support. The Sergeant has a Storm Bolter and a Power Sword; allowing him to move and fire two bolter shots per turn, and pack a reasonable punch in assault with the Armour Save ignoring Power Sword. Once deployed from the Drop Pod the squad can split into two five-man Combat Squads or remain as a single ten-man unit.
The Heavy Bolter marine is a subtle conversion; a pose change using the arm from a Sergeant (minus the sword that used to be in the hand) to hold a handle on the side of the weapon instead of the normal top-mounted handle.
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Nova Storm Units: HQ Choices 2
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Nova Storm Units: HQ Choices 1
Monday, 18 May 2009
Nova Storm: Random Unit Photos
Space Marine Chaplain: