Monday 12 December 2011

Random Hobby Update - Eldar Painting

Okay, so it's been a while since I did an update, and to be honest, I've not actually done much!

I've completed a couple of Marines from the Command Squad and have started on the next two. Other than that I've been doing some work on my friend's Eldar. He's accquired some stuff from Ebay that needed some remedial work in the way of fixing a Wave Serpent turret and re-undercoating, amongst other things.

Most recently I painted up his Eldar Guardian squad to a three-colours and done standard, with an accompanying Eldar Warlock to go with them. I've also made a start on batch painting his Dire Avenger squad too, and have some ideas for some basic freehand work on the Wave Serpent...

Pictures will follow soon, but they're nothing to get excited about.

As Christmas is approaching fast, I can't see myself getting much more done this year. Hopefully next year I can start to put stuff up on this site much more regularly.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Hobby Update: Gamesday 2011 and other stuff

On the hobby front, I'm now half-way through the Space Marine Command Squad. It really should have been finished by now, but I've not been painting as much as I'd like due to different things.

I got both the Plasma Pistol/Power Fist and Plasma Gun marines done fairly quickly, but then hit a hiatus on the Apothecary due to a lack of actual white paint. This has now been rectified, and I have now made a start on getting this one done as well and am currently about half way through.

Once the Apothecary is done, I just have to do the Standard Bearer and the Company Champion, then that's the whole Command Squad completed and it's time to move on to the two Commander models!

On a different subject, last week I attended GamesDay 2011 at the Birmingham NEC Area for the first time since 2007. Overall it was a good day, but I couldn't help thinking that it wasn't as busy as the previous two that I've been to. Not sure if this is because they have moved to two larger halls instead of three smaller ones, so people are more spread out, or if the attendance was lower than previous visits. Maybe a combination of both? There also seemed to be a pronounced lack of free marketing material sloshing around than there has been previously. No free t-shirts being thrown at me, or posters or much of anything else either. must be the economy.

Sadly didn't get near the GW Retail or Forgeworld Sales stands as they appear to have been very badly placed and demand much underestimated. The queues were a least 2 or 3 hours long for most of the day and the staff were only letting in a set amount at a time. This is a far cry from 2006/07 when the retail sales were in their own hall and much more accessible. In fact the problems that they had have actually led Tom Kirby to send out an email apologising for the mis-handling of the sales area and promising that lessons will be learned for the next time. I'm quite impressed at this as it's not often that GW publicly apologise for many things.

The Licensee stands were however, far more accessible and I picked up a copy of the Deathwatch RPG core rule book and a pre-release copy of Blood Bowl Team Manager from Fantasy Flight Games.

Most of the other stuff that happened at the event has been publicised elsewhere on the internet and I'm not going to bother repeating them here; except to say that according to the man at the top Forgeworld do want to make a Warlord Titan, but they may not do it for another few years as they can only do models of that size every 2 or 3 years due to the amount of time it takes.

Tyranid Unit: Heavy Support Units 1 and 2

Here are my current two Heavy Support choices for the Tyranids. Two Carnifexes, one designed as a mobile gun platform and the other as a close-combat monster.

Note that these were originally designed before the current edition Codex was released, which ended up making them less effective than they were previously. I just couldn't be bothered pulling them apart to remodel them. In time I may replace them with newer versions but that will require time and money.

Friday 2 September 2011

Tyranid Unit: HQ - Hive Tyrant

Here's the completed Hive Tyrant from my Tyranid swarm.

Although I now field him with a wider variety of options, the original build had it down with a twin-linked Devourer throwing out Assault 6 with re-rolls on missed shots, at S6 with -1 to LD tests caused on the target unit for shooting casualties suffered. A Dessicator Larvae Thorax Swarm which is a Wounds on 2+ template weapon for mopping up an survivors of the Devourer.

Psychic Scream was on there to allow it to attempt to lower the target unit's LD before combat - but this was at the expense of using one of the above shooting weapons. As a Monstrous Creature, it could also choose to use the Paroxysm psychic shooting power to lower a target's WS and BS to 1. If it then charged into combat against this unit with it's own WS of 8, it was guaranteed to hit on a 3+. I have since dropped this option as it's only really useful against targets with a WS of 8 or more, unless used to soften up a target for another unit, which if done prevents the Tyrant from charging anything other that the target of the psychic shooting attack.

Indescribable Horror means that anyone wishing to charge into close combat must pass a LD test first, or be left unable to charge and will then be a sitting duck to be charged by the Tyrant instead. With 4 Attacks, 5 when Charging all at S6 (7 during first round due to Furious Charge from Adrenal Glands) with re-rolls on to hit rolls of a 1 due to a pair of Scything Talons and that ignore Armour Saves; that's not a great prospect.

Any close combat attacks that Wounds on a natural 6 causes Instant Death regardless of target Toughness due to the Implant Attack. Combined with the number of Attacks and re-rolls from Scything Talons this is a killer - literally - to many multi-wound models that lack an Invulnerable Save.

On top of that due to it's Acid Blood, each Wound taken by the Tyrant in Close Combat results in an Initiative test for the enemy unit which if failed results in an automatic Wound to that unit with no Armour Saves or Cover Saves allowed as they are sprayed in virulent acid! Even when they hurt it the enemy gets hurt back. To add insult to injury the Tyrant may then Regenerate any Wounds taken on the roll of a 6, rolled for each wound suffered so far at the start of it's turn.

This rolls in at about 295 points, so I've normally reserved this build for larger point games. Granted it still needs a bit of tweaking, but it performs fine most of the time.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Hobby Update: Tyranid Monstrous Creatures

I recently completed both Carnifex units and the Hive Tyrant. Pictures and unit details will follow soon.

All that is left for the Tyranids are the Spore Mines and the Genestealers. For now though I have shifted my focus to completing the Space Marine Command Squad so that I can start on the Marine Vehicles.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Scenery: Space Marine Hero

Here's a quick scenery piece I knocked together from a couple of plastic stoppers from some roller blind packaging and a spare snap-fit Terminator Marine that was free on the front of White Dwarf a few years ago.

Stick together with some Gorilla Super Glue, embellish with some spare icons from the Space Marine Drop Pod kit that were lying in the bitz box, attack with craft knife and clippers; prime black and drybrush various shades of Foundation Paint greys, pick out detail with Dwarf Bronze and then wash with Thrakka Green for corrosion effects; and hey-presto, one battle-scarred Space Marine Hero statue!

Hobby Update: Tales of a Farseer

I've been meaning to do this post for a while but have been struggling to find the time. Finally, here is the step-by-step progress of my friends Ulthwe Farseer that I painted up for him over 2 weeks.

Here's the model after he primed it using Undercoat Black.

The first job was to block out the base colours.

I went with a deep blue instead of a black for the robes and armour plates, as I didn't fancy trying to do such a large area of black cloth with the shading and highlighting issues it presents. This was blocked out in Necron Abyss I think. For the interior of the robe I chose a purple colour; Hormagaunt Purple. The gold areas were done in Tin Bitz, and the secondary cloth areas and face plate were done in Denheb Stone for the typical Ulthwe bone colour. The stone ruins on the base were done in Commando Khaki to start with.

Next up was the first layer of shading and highlights. The blue areas were highlighted in a blue colour but I can't remember what I used it might have been Mordian Blue, the purples were washed with Leviathan Purple and highlighted with the base colour. Gold was layered with Burnished Gold. Dehneb Stone was washed with Gryphonne Sepia wash, then highlighted with the base colour again. The stone ruins were washed with Gryphonne Seipa also.

At this point I decided the bone coloured cloth wasn't good enough, so I re-did it.

Finally, I put some final highlights on the cloth with Shadow Grey, the gold was highlighted with Shining Gold, black was edge highlighted with Fortress Grey. I did all the gems the standard Mechrite Red base, with Scab Red shade and Blood Red highlight, with a dot of white applied very carefully and sparingly.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Hobby Update: Army Painter Sprays

My birthday has come and gone, and as a present to myself I ordered a couple of The Army Painter system spray primers.

After some thought I settled on Skeleton Bone for my Space Marine vehicles and remaining units, and Army Green for the Tyranids as it was the best match that they had for my existing colour scheme.

The sprays arrived half way through my week off, and so the next day I spent several hours outdoors with both cans spraying most of the stuff that hasn't been base-coated yet.

All in all I used most of the 400ml can of Skeleton Bone while spraying the two Commanders, Command Squad, both Rhino chassis, the parts for the Whirlwind, Razorback and Predator tanks, and the Drop Pod!

Once these were done I started on the Tyranids, and sprayed the last of the two Gaunt broods, the Hive Tyrant, both Carnifexes, and a Broodlord. There's still plenty left for the Genestealers, and oddments that I have left.


The Army Green colour is an exact match for Games Workshop's Knarloc Green Foundation Paint colour. Originally my Tyranids were base-coated in Gretchin Green which is lighter, but I think I can get round the shade difference with a good drybrush of Gretchin Green after all the shading is done. Here is the first completed Gaunt from the Army Painter primed batch:

Overall I have to say that I was very impressed with the Army Painter primers. They were easy enough to spray (as long as you shake them for about 3 minutes before you start) and the finish is really smooth and even. I highly recommend these products to anyone who is thinking about trying them.

Next time I need a spray can I 'll be getting it from Army Painter!

Saturday 5 March 2011

Hobby Update: Things happening again!

I now have a regular gaming day scheduled in every two weeks at my place with Nick from work. This has given me an incentive to actually get stuff done. Nick's a former Eldar player, who I have snagged back into the hobby and he's now in the process of rebuilding his Eldar from scratch.

So now I've finally picked up my brushes again and started finishing off the stuff that was marooned on my painting desk, quietly whispering "paint us, paint us.." each time I walked past them.

"So what's on the painting table", I hear you ask. Well, currently there's the following:

Thursday 3 February 2011

Random Update: Old Website Spotted...

Look what I found:

I cannot believe that this is still live. I've not been with the ISP since before 2001 when I moved out of my parent's house!

A true relic of a pre-broadband dial-up internet age, as you can tell from the design, page counter, "Site last updated on", and the mirror site link!

I still have copies of all this stuff on my hard drive.

Saturday 29 January 2011

Random Update: Hobby Hiatus

All quiet on the Western Front...

Not done much in the way of hobby output for 3 months. I find I always seem to slow down over the Winter period with it's dark nights and bad weather (not good for spray painting in!).

Starting to get the urge to pick up a brush and crack on with cranking out the last of the Marines, Tau and Tyranids now though, so watch this space... maybe in a month or so I'll start putting more stuff up.