Saturday 5 March 2011

Hobby Update: Things happening again!

I now have a regular gaming day scheduled in every two weeks at my place with Nick from work. This has given me an incentive to actually get stuff done. Nick's a former Eldar player, who I have snagged back into the hobby and he's now in the process of rebuilding his Eldar from scratch.

So now I've finally picked up my brushes again and started finishing off the stuff that was marooned on my painting desk, quietly whispering "paint us, paint us.." each time I walked past them.

"So what's on the painting table", I hear you ask. Well, currently there's the following:

  • 6 Tau Vespid Stingwing infantry
  • 14 Tyranid Gaunts with Fleshborers
  • 11 Tyranid Gaunts with Devourers
  • A minimum of 9 Genestealers and Broodlord
  • 2 Tyranid Warriors
  • 5 Space Marine Assault Marines
  • A scratch-built statue terrain piece.

So far I've done a test model for the Tau Vespid; done in a three-tone green scheme to contrast with the blue of the rest of the army. I wasn't sure about the final result, but it's growing on me so I may keep it.

I also completed two of the Assault Marines, and have another two part completed but can't do much more as I've run out of Bleached Bone paint so I can't do the last drybrush stage on the armour.

I've almost done another seven Tyranid Gaunts with Fleshborers, there are actually four done and the other three just need their Badab Black and Purple washes and the bases finishing and should be done by the end of today. As such I've allowed myself to start another Tyranid Warrior, which also just needs the washes and base doing. (I've been painting to a ratio of 7 Gaunts to 1 Warrior. There are 42 Gaunts with Fleshborers to 6 Warriors so by the time all the Gaunts are done the Warriors will be too!)

I built and painted the Statue as well, which was made from two stacked plastic tube ends with a spare snap-fit Space Marine Terminator which was mauled by clippers and painted up to look like battle-worn stone.

The end is in sight for the Tyranid painting as I just have 7 Tyranid Gaunts with Fleshborers, 11 Tyranid Gaunts with Devourers, 9 Genestealers, 1 Broodlord, 1 Warrior, several small Spore Mines, 2 Carnifexes and a Hive Tyrant left to do. Actually now I've written that it sounds like I still have loads to do!

Marines only have the rest of the Assault Squad, the Captain and Command Squad, Predator Tank, Razorback/Whirlwind Tank and a Drop Pod.

Tau only have the Vespid, Tau Commander Suit and Bodyguard, and 4 Devilfish Tanks (with 4 sets of Hammerhead Tank turrets, and 1 Skyray Turret).

Then I can start on the Orks and Imperial Guard!

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