Thursday 14 July 2011

Hobby Update: Tales of a Farseer

I've been meaning to do this post for a while but have been struggling to find the time. Finally, here is the step-by-step progress of my friends Ulthwe Farseer that I painted up for him over 2 weeks.

Here's the model after he primed it using Undercoat Black.

The first job was to block out the base colours.

I went with a deep blue instead of a black for the robes and armour plates, as I didn't fancy trying to do such a large area of black cloth with the shading and highlighting issues it presents. This was blocked out in Necron Abyss I think. For the interior of the robe I chose a purple colour; Hormagaunt Purple. The gold areas were done in Tin Bitz, and the secondary cloth areas and face plate were done in Denheb Stone for the typical Ulthwe bone colour. The stone ruins on the base were done in Commando Khaki to start with.

Next up was the first layer of shading and highlights. The blue areas were highlighted in a blue colour but I can't remember what I used it might have been Mordian Blue, the purples were washed with Leviathan Purple and highlighted with the base colour. Gold was layered with Burnished Gold. Dehneb Stone was washed with Gryphonne Sepia wash, then highlighted with the base colour again. The stone ruins were washed with Gryphonne Seipa also.

At this point I decided the bone coloured cloth wasn't good enough, so I re-did it.

Finally, I put some final highlights on the cloth with Shadow Grey, the gold was highlighted with Shining Gold, black was edge highlighted with Fortress Grey. I did all the gems the standard Mechrite Red base, with Scab Red shade and Blood Red highlight, with a dot of white applied very carefully and sparingly.

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