Monday, 12 December 2011

Random Hobby Update - Eldar Painting

Okay, so it's been a while since I did an update, and to be honest, I've not actually done much!

I've completed a couple of Marines from the Command Squad and have started on the next two. Other than that I've been doing some work on my friend's Eldar. He's accquired some stuff from Ebay that needed some remedial work in the way of fixing a Wave Serpent turret and re-undercoating, amongst other things.

Most recently I painted up his Eldar Guardian squad to a three-colours and done standard, with an accompanying Eldar Warlock to go with them. I've also made a start on batch painting his Dire Avenger squad too, and have some ideas for some basic freehand work on the Wave Serpent...

Pictures will follow soon, but they're nothing to get excited about.

As Christmas is approaching fast, I can't see myself getting much more done this year. Hopefully next year I can start to put stuff up on this site much more regularly.