They have all the ususal rules for Space Marines; And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Squads, and Combat Tactics - allowing them to choose to fail a Morale check (Combat Tactics) and fall back voluntarily, automatically regroup after falling back regardless of most normal restrictions (ATSKNF), and split into 2 5-man squads (Combat Squads - but not really relevant to this squad as it's only 5-men strong anyway)
They are painted up as the 7th Squad in the same Company as the other Devastator Squad - hence the same Blue shoulder pad trim and cuffs.
The squad is mainly an anti-infantry squad featuring a two Heavy Bolters for 6 shots that ignore any armour save of 4+ or less, a Plasma Cannon which lays down a blast template hitting everything under it with S7 AP2 (as long as it doesn't blow up) and a Missile Launchers that can switch between anti-infantry Frag missiles, or anti-vehicle Krak missiles.
The Sergeant has a Bolt Pistol and Power Fist, and can can help guide the squad's shooting with the backpack mounted Signum if he doesn't shoot with his own weapon.
This particular Squad has a Razorback transport vehicle equipped with a single-shot Hunter-Killer missile that has unlimited range and a turret mounted twin-linked Lascannon which gives a bit more anti-vehicle punch in the form of a 48" S9 AP2 shot which can be re-rolled if missed. This can penetrate AV14 vehicles on a D6 roll of 6 (9+6=15), and cause them a Glancing hit on a 5. Lighter armoured vehicles can be penetrated easier.